Over the past decade, we have seen the extremely dynamic development of global and Russian energy with many divergent processes involved. The SKOLKOVO Energy Centre regularly conducts research on new trends in the development of certain energy sectors in the world and in Russia. We monitor all the key areas where fundamental changes are taking place, and we strive to provide our audience with the latest, most up-to-date information, enabling them to react to these changes in a timely manner.
Our analytical products are distributed free of charge and are for those interested in understanding the industry processes in the fuel and energy sector and the development of efficient energy in Russia and abroad. Our products are designed equally for specialists working in related companies and regulatory government bodies as well as for the general public.
When choosing an area to research, we always take into account the practical feasibility for the industry as well as for society as a whole, and we carry out not only industry-related projects, but also informative and educational ones as well. Our research answers the burning questions that arise from the challenges of the modern world.
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The Future Of Oil Production In Russia: Life Under Sanctions
The new sanctions imposed in the summer of 2017 in relation to the Russian oil industry combined with an objective decline in the quality of Russian reserves pose a question on the future of oil production in Russia and the reliability of budget revenues generated by the industry in the long term.
person Tatiana Mitrova, Ekaterina Grushevenko, Artyom Malov
today March 2018
public PDF, 41 pages
Russian supply vs production
Extending the deal with Opec is the only barrier to oil-output growth in 2017. But Russian exports should keep rising whatever is decided in Vienna
person T. Mitrova, E. Grushevenko
today 8 May 2017
public Petroleum Economist
The Russian surge
Rising oil production in the past two years defied expectations. The market should expect more of the same in 2017
person T. Mitrova, E. Grushevenko
today 21 November 2016
public Petroleum Economist
German-Russian Gas Relations. A Special Relationship in Troubled Waters
SWP Research Paper 2017/RP 13
person Kirsten Westphal, Aurélie Bros, Tatiana Mitrova
today December 2017
public PDF, 48 pages
The SPIMEX Gas Exchange: Russian Gas Trading Possibilities
personJames Henderson, Tatiana Mitrova, Patrick Heather, Ekaterina Orlova & Zlata Sergeeva
todayJanuary 2018
public PDF, 31 pages
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