New Energy Policy
The global energy landscape is changing rapidly: many governments are reviewing their energy policies, setting new priorities and the methods to achieve those.
Global and Russian Energy outlook 2019
This document presents the results of a study involving the long-term forecasting of the world’s energy markets and calculations carried out using the SCANER information modelling system. It presents a comprehensive assessment of trends in the development of the energy sector – globally, regionally, and nationally – including volumes of consumption, production, processing, energy trading, prices, the parameters of competition, the dynamics of the commissioning of new facilities, and volumes of CO2 emissions. Three forecast scenarios – Conservative, Innovative and Energy Transition – reflect key uncertainties in the development of the energy sector. The development of the Russian energy sector is also examined, taking into account the impact of the situation in foreign markets.
The prospects for energy markets are analysed in detail, taking into account economic, demographic, technological, political, climatic, and other factors, and the reaction of markets and key players to these factors is examined.
The Outlook is intended for those involved in research and business, as well as for government officials engaged in the development of energy and the economy, and may be used for educational purposes.
person Authors: A.A. Makarov, T. A. Mitrova, V.A. Kulagin
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The hydrogen economy – a path towards low carbon development
The hydrogen economy is an image of the future for the global economy, in which hydrogen becomes a new global energy carrier and starts playing a role comparable to the one now played by coal, oil or gas and much more important than the current role of hydropower, nuclear power plants and bioenergy combined. According to various forecasts, this may happen overall globally after 2040; however, the hydrogen economy is already beginning to form in some regions.
Hydrogen technologies will inevitably develop at accelerating rates — with their help, countries and companies can more easily achieve their greenhouse gas emission reduction goals, and these technologies themselves are at the very beginning of the learning curve — there is the potential for multiple reductions in cost and multiple growth in volumes.
Russia still remains aloof from this topic - although hydrogen is slowly drifting into the center of the world energy agenda. However, Russia has a huge untapped potential in this area. Embedding in the global hydrogen market could be Russia's response to the challenges of the Energy Transition. This survey study summarizes the status of hydrogen technologies in the world and Russia. The task of our further researches is a more detailed answer to the question “what to do?”.
person Authors: Tatiana Mitrova, Yury Melnikov, Dmitry Chugunov
today June 2019 года
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